Friday, January 19, 2018

Thoughts During Lunch Break

The italics are a sort of meditation to help guide you into my thoughts over lunch break.


Imagine yourself in comparison with the ant, flea, or grain of sand. You are massive compared to these smaller things. Think deeply on this and ponder this.


Imagine yourself moving like a giant, without sudden movements, but instead slow and steady as if the grain of sand were a normal person. 


Now look at your hands. Slowly move your fingers and understand that you are in control. Your hands are your servants to serve your will. They do as you command. They feed you, scratch an itch, lift objects, and rub your eyes so you can see more clearly. They are to serve You.


This is what I was thinking about while on my lunch break at work today. I began to think about my body as the makeup of billions of cells and atoms to be what I am. And for the most part, I am in control of them. They serve me. This was very empowering. I felt like I was some ruler or emperor commanding legions of armies under my breath.


Then, my body started to turn on my mind. I began to think, “What if all of this is some big mirror act, and my mind is a puppet to my body??” I felt that maybe my body was in control of my mind, and that my body was so intelligent that it could read my mind and move in sync with my mind’s thoughts as if it were looking in a mirror. My body was in control of my mind..


I felt trapped, in a prison, in an eternal hell that I was forever being controlled and had no way out of it.


Then I realized I wasn’t in war between my mind and body, but instead in a balance, a peace. The mind helps the body, and the body helps the mind. My mind tells the body what to do, so that the body may live and be healthy. My mind needs the body, and the body the mind. The body willingly serves my mind, (ideally) following it’s every command. No more puppetry, no more prisons, no more hell.


I am at peace.


The river would not be a river had the ground not given it a path. The ground would not be the ground had the river not obeyed the ground’s direction. The river would become and ocean and have no direction. The ground would be hidden underneath the ocean and never be seen again.


All things must work together.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What's Next?

It has been more than a year since I posted a blog. It's crazy to me how much I feel I have changed in a year. I read back on some of my past blog posts like, "I'm not sure I agree with you anymore." A year from now I'll probably do the same to this post. The past two years I've only posted one blog each year. I'm planning on posting at least once a month this year. (So far I've met my goal!)

My wife Caitlyn is a big fan of the enneagram. If you bring it up to her, she could talk about it for hours. For those that don't know what the enneagram is, it's a personality diagram numbered 1-9 that helps describe the motivation behind why you act the way you do. This article is more about the enneagram and lawyers, but it has a great overview if you want to quickly find out more about it. If you want to get really deep into it this is another good article. I took the test and was labeled a One- "The Reformer". I'm not a big fan of personality tests because it seems to try and define who you are, when you are your own person and a test does not define you. I'm also told that this way of thinking is typical for an enneagram one... All that to say that as a one, it is very difficult for me to write my thoughts and especially display them publically for fear of them not being true. Ones search for truth. They want to know the truth and speak the truth. That is what has kept me from posting for so long. Previously when I posted blogs I would write it, re-read it, think on it, ask others to preview it, and read it again until I saw no mistakes before posting it for fear of being misunderstood. So why am I attempting to blog again? Well, a few reasons:

1) I want to keep a record of my thoughts without having to keep a journal or store it all on my computer.
2) It helps me organize and process my thoughts.
3) I want to share my thoughts with others so that we could talk about each other's thoughts without being like, "Hi. What are your thoughts on the penal substitution theory?" These aren't the best topics to bring up in passing, so hopefully these blog posts will open some opportunities for discussion on topics like this later.
4) Maybe this will be a place that you can go to see similar thoughts and not feel alone, or to read about things might not have thought about before.

I currently don't have any set agenda other than posting at least once a month and those four reasons above, but I guess we'll see where this leads. Stay tuned for more posts to see what's next!